Jonathan Frakes interview
Jonathan Frakes directed this week's episode of Leverage and I had an opportunity to speak with him about it this afternoon for DreamLoom. Take a look.
Your first directing job was a Star Trek episode, but when did you know that was something you wanted to do? Was the first time a lark, you wanted to try it out, or did you already know you were interested?
No, it took me years to get my friend Rick Berman to actually give me an episode to direct. No, I knew from early on in the series that there was an opportunity there just by virtue of being on the set every day with a television series to learn from some of the wonderful TV directors that we had and to shadow them and trail them and then I was lucky enough to get time in the editing room to figure out what that part of it was about. Eventually, after it being clear to Rick that I wasn’t going to stop pursuing it, he relented.
Very cool article. It is great to hear that Spiner will be in the episode as well. I am sure it will be good. Looking forward to the episode even more than usual.
Congrats on getting the interview Richard...that site is really taking off for you guys.
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