30 January 2007

But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game

I found out today that someone who works in my department believes Barack Obama is the anti-Christ. I don't mean in the right-wing "that guy's slick and charismatic and could take the Presidency back for the damn lib'rals" way. I mean in the "Kirk Cameron's our only hope, the rapture is coming! the rapture is coming!" way.


Now to me, this is similar to saying Barack Obama keeps a baby dragon locked in his basement and drinks a potion of ground unicorn horn and fairy dust at each new moon. Ie: if someone says it, I think he needs medication and restraints. Unfortunately, while belief in fairies and unicorns is considered "crazy", belief that Lucifer will rise from the fiery depths of Hell to walk the Earth before the rapture is considered "christian". At least, a lot of evangelicals think so.

I know that not all xtians believe in Revelations as anything other than metaphor. I know that some even read John's rantings as contemporary (Rome, 1st century, not America, 21st) political commentary disguised as apocalyptic prophesy. Still, there are too many who think "Left Behind" is the Zagat's for the endtimes. What makes people think this way?

I really had hoped millennial fever's grip on the nation would be weakened after yet another millennium came and went without horsemen and blaring horns in the sky and shit. I guess there's always another sign and portent around the corner, though. Ooh, maybe it's the upcoming end of the 13th baktun!!!

I'm a dick, I know. I've got no respect for people and their primitive belief systems, whether inscribed 2K years ago or cobbled together during an acid flashback in '69.


R.A. Porter said...

It's good to see my tax dollars going to put high-speed Internet access in our nation's asylums.

Anonymous said...

Y'know it wasn't quite 2k years ago as the new testament was written (or cobbled together, whatever) about 400 years after Jesus took his famous dirt nap.

I expect this sort perfection from you, don't let me down again.

R.A. Porter said...

To quote a hero of yours: "there you go again." :)

Sure, the New Testament as we see it was debated and argued over for the first few centuries of the church's existence, but the gospels, Paul's letters, the epistles, etc. were written within a few decades of the events. Even Revelation was before the turn of the first century A.D.

You shouldn't expect that sort of perfection from me for another few hundred years when my legion of followers finally establish what is canon in my religion. I really hope they include the haikus.