09 August 2007

Lick and Blood: Main characters

Alright, a few changes on "Lick and Blood" (sure it was a lame joke, but I can keep one of those running for weeks). Here's what we're going with now...

Blood - a 150-year-old by-the-book Weredog. One still and moonlit evening, this proud and loyal Irish Wolfhound was walking on the fens with his master Heathcliff when they were set upon by a vicious lycanthrope. Blood fought the beast bravely and killed it, but suffered a grave wound in the battle. Now, when the moon is full, he changes from a giant, powerful canine into a slightly larger, still powerful canine with shaggier hair and yellower teeth. Cursed to walk upon the earth until he is the last of his kind, he hunts creatures of the night.

Lick - a 500-year-old Vampire cat. Once the beloved pet of Vlad Tepes, Lick was true to his name on the fateful evening the Son of the Dragon was turned to the darkness by an ancient vampire. A few drops of the sire's blood was all it took to turn the bluepoint Siamese into a creature of the night. For half a millennium he has hidden among us, sleeping all day and "playfully" attacking his hapless masters at night. Recently, Lick became aware of a prophecy about his greater destiny, but he is still unable to abide and obey his senior partner or his lieutenant. Lick is untrainable.

Lt. Cattillo - a tough tomcat from the Barrio, he scratched and clawed his way through the academy and his early years as a beat cop. Along the way he buried three partners and divorced five wives. His life had finally settled into a quiet routine until Lick and Blood came into his precinct. He's been hitting the catnip a bit harder of late.